Melodic Magic of Saint-Saëns: Violin and Organ
Time 7:30 PM PDT – Sun, Jan 11, 2024 Location Jacobs Music Center, San Diego I purchased the ticket one day before the concert, determined to skip the research work for a night! V...
Time 7:30 PM PDT – Sun, Jan 11, 2024 Location Jacobs Music Center, San Diego I purchased the ticket one day before the concert, determined to skip the research work for a night! V...
It’s always great for a PhD student to savor music on the weekends! In the summer of 2023, when I visited UC San Diego as a research intern, I was lucky enough to catch several live performances, i...
Back to University of California San Diego I have been back to the United States as a PhD student at the University of California San Diego! It is a great place to study and live. I will share more...
Wait for a moment… I am still working on the LaTeX template for this journal.